Capital Campaign 2021 - 2024

Growing in Grace Banner

Our Story

Our Savior's Lutheran Church is a vibrant community of faith with a rich history, dedicated to moving boldly into the future together.

Nearly 150 years ago, in 1878, homesteaders in Valley City began to gather together for worship. Four short years later, Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church was formally organized in 1882 boasting 42 members. Just over a half century later in 1939, the congregation then known as Our Savior’s English Evangelical Lutheran Church had outgrown its original wood frame building and took the bold and faithful steps to construct a new facility. War times and economic hardship delayed work on the new structure. Finally, in 1948, after years of worshipping in the church basement, a new sanctuary was completed – the same sanctuary members of Our Savior’s still worship in today. This same vision and spirit of perseverance has seen the congregation take on additional projects of all sizes to update and expand the church building as a center for mission.

Because of the faithfulness of generations past and present, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church continues to be a church rooted squarely in the heart of the Valley City community and in God’s love and grace. Together, we live out our mission: We, Our Savior’s family of believers, welcome all to share Christ’s love, grow in faith, and to live a life of service glorifying God.

Our Values

We Value All Generations
For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever and his faithfulness to all generations.
-Psalm 100:5

We are a community of faith that values people of all ages and stages. Our Sunday School, Confirmation, and Youth Ministries shape and empower students and reach out into the community. A spirit of faithfulness and dedication is found in our adult bible studies and service groups. We remain connected to our local senior & assisted living facilities though worship and personal connections. All generations gather in worship week after week to be fed and nourished by the means of grace. As we look toward the future, we envision a church that continues to operate as a center for mission for generations today and generations to come.

We Value Neighbors Near & Far
Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?” He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise."
-Luke 10:36-37

We Value Sharing
I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now.
-Philippians 1:3-5

In the great commission, Jesus calls us to “go” and put God’s love into action in our lives. We don’t share all we have and all we are solely because it is our duty, but also because it is our joy. Saved by grace, we strive to share the good news with all people. Sharing happens in conversations at Bible Study, songs heralded by the choir, cards sent in the mail, items collected for mission kits, and in creating and sharing quilts. Two church farms gifted in the 1950s by Mr. George Mason continue to be a cornerstone of benevolence to partners in ministry locally and globally. This congregation embodies God’s wide welcome with a spirit of generosity when we open our doors and hearts to each other and those in need. As we dream and pray about what the future may hold, we trust that our calling to share God’s love inside and outside of the church building walls remains at the center.

We Value Rejoicing & Weeping Together
Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.
-Romans 12:15

Paul teaches that we experience the fullness of our lives together. In our highs and lows, our mountain and valley moments, we are called to walk together, trusting that God is with us always. As a congregation, we seek to embody God’s presence and promise for one another. Though the pandemic has limited some of the ways we have traditionally shown up for one another, we have learned to be creative and to cherish opportunities to gather and connect. We trust that God’s presence will continue to be with us as we seek to step faithfully into new realities.

Our Opportunity

As we move into the future, we know that Our Savior’s Lutheran Church faces challenges of many shapes and sizes. This past year of pandemic has shown us both how vulnerable and resilient we can be. Some have grown closer to this church community. Some feel disconnected. Some have grown deeper in their faith. Some find that tending to their life of faith has been put on hold.

As we continue to step towards a post-pandemic reality, we are uniquely positioned. We have the opportunity to bear witness to the radical idea that a group of people who differ in so many ways might find unity in Christ Jesus. Telling the story of Jesus and his love for all people, especially those who feel hurt, afraid, or without hope, invites us to learn and grow alongside of one another and binds us together in common mission for the sake of the world.

As we faithfully walk alongside each other, growing in our sense of community and mission, we find the opportunity to grow in the stewardship of our church building. We are blessed to be inheritors of a beautiful worship space and a building with ample room for ministry. Taking care of and investing in this building both honors the mission of those who have come before us and provides a gift to the generations that will come after us. It will take all of us, working together, praying together, and worshipping together, to meet the opportunity of this moment.

Our Goal

Through dedicated work and prayer, leadership at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church has identified 6 key areas needed to maintain and enhance our building. The church is not the building, but our building is a center for mission. Tending to the needs of our building now will only enhance our opportunity for ministry.

Building Technology - $50,000
Not only needed equipment updates, but expanded usage of technology for worship and other educational and gathering times. Changes include expanding WiFi capacities and installing security measures and investing in a worship streaming system to share the good news with neighbors near and far.

Exterior Renovation - $140,000
Repairing/Replacing all exterior wood with wood or product to maintain architectural look, repairing metal flashing, finishing all window trim except 2nd story apartment windows, and painting. Upkeeping and repairing Family Gathering exterior.

Gathering Area & Common Spaces - $60,000
Repairing damaged areas on the ceiling, walls, and other areas, as well as repairing/replacing paint, carpet, and ceiling tiles throughout the building.

Sanctuary Roof - $120,000
Replacing the pitched roof over the sanctuary.

Youth & Meeting Spaces - $130,000
Combing current youth room and adjacent underutilized classroom space into a new youth room and youth director office space. The existing youth director office space will be repurposed into a dedicated, private meeting space.

Kitchen - $110,000
Remodel and reconfigure the kitchen space as needed for optimal flow, updating appliances and expanding serving space.

Our Calling

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church is a community of generous and giving hearts. Without each and every one of you, we would not be who we are. This Capital Campaign is an invitation to each of us, to more deeply commit to our mission, amidst the challenges of our world, and to grow in grace together. It’s in times such as this that we ground ourselves in scripture and God’s promise, remembering that we don’t do anything alone. The task before us may seem great, but we are up for the challenge. God, in Jesus, has freed us to be a church that operates not out of fear or anxiety, but in good courage and certain hope. Together with those generations before who met the challenges of their time, we are called to continue being a living hope for generations today and those still to come. As this new journey begins, together we pray:

O Lord God, You have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


For one believes with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved. Romans 10:10
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God — not the result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9